Monday, February 10, 2025

YHTL Weekly Highlights – 31 Jul to 6 Aug 2017

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It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us. 

Pretty much sums up last week on You Have To Laugh, I’m sure you’ll agree. It was THAT GOOD that Charlie D wrote about it in 1859 – incredible foresight considering the internet hadn’t been invented then, but I guess that’s what made him such a famous author…

Anyway, back to the present day and we find ourselves, dear reader, at the end of another krazy week on YHTL. And yes, apparently that is how crazy is spelt if it has anything to do with kids, such is the need for alliteration in advertising aimed at children.

For a civilisation to advance we must learn from the past, and that is what Sundays are all about on YHTL as we ‘smack you up’ with our weekly highlights package. Some might call it rehashing old material. Some might call it a lazy attempt to get a few more page views out of the week. But we call it a journey of comedic enlightenment. Potato / potato.

Whatever you choose to call it, two things are absolutely certain. It always has an elaborate, self-indulgent, preamble and it always starts on a


In a fanfare of fireworks, fine wine, fillet mignon and, um, foccacia, our occasional / virtually never weekly comedy interview series returned with a bang so loud it would wake Sleeping Beauty herself. Yes, in a comeback more eagerly anticipated that the 76th season of Celebrity Big Brother, we returned with a belter – Jemma from the excellent Popcorn For Lunch and the craic was definitely good. If you haven’t had a chance to ‘check yoself’ do it, before you, um, ‘wreck yoself’. It’s right here…


Today we jumped back on the featured post train all the way to fun town, with a classic post typed by my own fair hands. It was all about workplaces but was mainly about working from home with a toddler and what a major ball ache it can be, as evidenced by the fact I’m typing this highlights package post 11pm again. I guess I come to life after dark…


Surely our most prolific contributor, Bell From Bow, returned today with a post all about festivals. Or rather how she wouldn’t go anywhere near one with a toddler in tow! Pretty sensible, if you ask me…


Thursday has become our review day of late, so we have renamed it:


Honest &


Reviews & um,



Pretty clever I’m sure you’ll agree. There will definitely be a review of something on Thursday next week (SPOILER ALERT – it’s a watch – unless Fran forgets again) and pretty much every Thursday after that. If not, there will be some ‘stuff’ of an as yet undetermined nature. You’re salivating at the prospect I can tell.


We brought you some more breaking news today, with the shocking revelation that someone did something nice for someone else without recording the event for transmission via social media. I know it sounds ridiculous – I mean, what’s the point in doing something nice for someone unless you can show the world on Facebook what a stand up guy you are?

There’s plenty more fake news, unsurprisingly, in our Fake News section. It’s like The Daily Mash, but a bit shitter and a hell of a lot less popular.


In a shocking twist, today saw a post that I didn’t write myself! It was all about the magic of Disneyland Paris. And when I say ‘magic’ I mean ‘disaster’, because this particular trip by Lynne from A Blog About Raising My Autistic Son and her family didn’t quite go as she might have hoped! Don’t let it put you off though…

Most Popular Post Of The Month

Another month has flown by so it’s time for the most exciting announcement of the month – the one moment that every blogger waits for with a mixture of trepidation and excitement. So without further ado, let’s find out the winners:

In 3rd place we have my light-hearted bash at childless pensioners:

Study Reveals Pensioners Without Children ‘Not Best Placed To Give Parenting Advice’

In 2nd place was this terrific post from Siobhan from Pass The Wine Please about her birth story and potty mouth rant at poor old Linda!

And our winner for July was…drum roll please…

Claire from Life, Love & Dirty Dishes with her excellent post about playing cafe with a toddler!

Feel free to grab our lovely badge to celebrate your achievement!

And that, dear reader, brings us back to ‘doh’.

Or Sunday, depending on whether you live your life in Julie Andrews metaphors or not. Sunday truly is the gateway into a whole new beginning where nothing has yet gone wrong and everything is possible. Like riding a unicorn across a rainbow. So I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a super awesome week ahead. A week which will bring you many wonders, including a lovely interview, a super review, another one of these things and lots of awesome featured posts!

See you there. Or here, depending on how you view locations.


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