Monday, January 13, 2025
InterviewsYHTL Blog

So You Think You’re Funny? – Season 2 Episode 10 – Jemma from Popcorn For Lunch

The unthinkable has happened, dear readers.

Not only do we actually have an interview to bring you today we also have another 10 waiting in the wings. If we include this one in the figures, I quite literally couldn’t count the number of interviews we have on the fingers of BOTH HANDS! I would need to REMOVE A SOCK in order to count them all. Assuming of course that I couldn’t do basic counting in my head. Which I can. I fact I can do multiplication and division and everything.

Back to the matter in hand though, and today’s interview is from the land where the craic is always good – Northern Ireland! Jemma is a mum, a blogger at Popcorn For Lunch, a maker of pie and a trained solicitor. And she’s now an interviewee on this amazing website, which no doubt trumps everything else she’s achieved!

As usual, have a read of the funny stuff below and then if you have a few minutes pop along to her blog and have a good rummage around if you like what you see!

1. Tell us about yourself in 20 words or less:

I used to be a lawyer now I’m a writery mummy thing-a-ma-bobber. I can say the alphabet backwards.

2. How would your child(ren) describe you?

As a chronic obstacle between them and the iPad.

3. When and why did you last properly laugh out loud?

Today when my kids were playing at pretending to be pet rabbits. My daughter named herself “Nibbles” and my son with a typically unflowery logical male brain christened himself “Boy Rabbit.”

4. Do you try to be funny when you are writing? Tell us a bit about your blogging ‘process’.

I don’t really try to be funny but I do try to write as though I’m speaking; I find that to be the style of writing my readers enjoy most.

5. What is the funniest thing you’ve read in the past few months?

“Killing Me Soft Play” from Hamster MacKenzie’s blog. I actually snorted.

6. What are the best and worst things about becoming a parent?

Best – the unconditional love they have for you and also knowing there will be someone around to check on you and make sure you haven’t fallen down some icy steps at the back of your house and been frozen to the concrete unable to move or call for help. (Yes I have thought this through).
Worst – can you feature me next week too so we can get all this? (Joking).
Toilet audiences and the “To A&E” or “Not to A&E” dilemma. Like is a pea up a nose an A&E thing? What about diarrhoea?

7. Do your friends/family find you funny in ‘real life’?

Friends – yes, out of politeness.
Family – not remotely. Their loss.

8. Go on, say something funny!

“Something funny!” Sorry my inner 9-year-old came out just then.

9. How did you get into writing and why?

Well it was made compulsory a while back for all kids in the UK to attend school and learn to write. I’d say that’s how and why I got into writing. All joking aside, having a passion for reading got me into writing, then my A-Level in English Lit. and subsequent Law degree helped me master basic spelling and grammar.

10. If you could only have one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would you choose?

Chips and gravy from the Chinese takeaway. I know this is a Northern Ireland thing but it’s amazeballs and a meal I couldn’t see myself getting tired of!

11. Complete the sentence; ‘Since having a child…’

Since having a child I regret having a child.
Only joking! I’d say since having a child I have achieved “Jedi Master” level in Faecal Examination and Assessment (SO putting that on my C.V.)

12. In your opinion, what is the worst children’s TV show, and why?

Topsy and Tim because they’re too bloody happy all the time. It’s time for CBeebies to come clean and admit that those parents are on meds.

13. Please tell us about your blog and why we should visit:

Popcorn for Lunch is a parenting blog (something different). I know there are thousands of them but I hail from the foreign shores of Northern Ireland and we’re all about having good craic over here. My blog is light-hearted so if you’ve got a bit of a sense of humour and are minus a stick up your own backside then pop over for a rummage.

Jemma can be found at her awesome blog by clicking on the image below. She is also on all the social media thingies, such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. If you are inspired to answer these questions and make the world giggle, just drop us a line and let us know. And by ‘line’ I mean an email or tweet, rather than an actual line. Hopefully that’s obvious.

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One thought on “So You Think You’re Funny? – Season 2 Episode 10 – Jemma from Popcorn For Lunch

  • Valerie Robinson

    Epic blogs! Lmao!

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