Monday, February 10, 2025

YHTL Weekly Highlights – 27 Feb to 5 Mar 2017

I know that you’ve probably all been out walking through fields of daffodils with your little ones gleefully trotting alongside you before settling down to a lovingly prepared Sunday roast and a blissful evening of conversation, fine wine and educational board games.

Before you get started on the cheeseboard though we’d #loveit if you found 10 minutes to give yourself a little bit of solo pleasure. By reading our weekly highlights that is. So whilst the port is airing let’s get cracking…


The week began in typical fashion with an inspiring dose of our comedy interview series, So You Think You’re Funny. It was one of our BFFs featured this week – Sam from Mouse Moo & Me Too. She still didn’t name either of us as her favourite bloggers, but we’ve already moved on from that. Haven’t even thought about it since. Not bitter at all.


We started the week in earnest (sorry Earnest) with a featured post from what some have described as one of the top 50 dad bloggers to ever come out of Reading. James from A Life Just Ordinary, aka me from here, brought us an account of the day when Bob The Builder pretty dramatically lost his shit. I think it’s quite funny. But I guess I would do.

We also ‘hit you up’ with another super duper #cheesyTuesday joke. See it as a gift from us to you. The receipt is in the bag.


There was more hilarity on Wednesday when we ‘laid down’ another comedy masterpiece in the form of this one from A Blog About Raising My Autistic Son. It was about the times when your little ones say things that you really wish they hadn’t and at the least opportune moments possible!


No featured post today because that’s just how we roll. But as it was #WorldBookDay we did share a few funny things and had a book-themed #YHTLchat in the evening. Here are some funny things:

Here’s the #YHTLchat question and a few of the best answers:


Today we shared another great featured post with you from Media Mummy. It was all about the strategies you might deploy when trying to successfully implement toddler sleep time / beginning of adult evening time.


Lots of things happened today, not least another featured post from our favourite Australian contributor Jessicah from Thorny Lullaby! This one was about the many and varied things that stress us out as parents on any given day!

Today also saw us launch our Fake News page on the website. An area dedicated to parenting alternative reality – news, views and articles that aren’t strictly true. After all, since when does accuracy in news reporting actually matter these days?! We have a few articles on there so far with plenty more to come!

Sunday & Beyond

Aside from this hastily cobbled-together rehash of the last 7 days there’s not much more to come today. But there’s plenty coming over the next few days to tickle your funny bones, including our interview with Tony from Diary of a Desperate Househusband and featured posts from Colley’s Wobbles, Meat & Gravy, Mom Of 2 Little Girls and Confessions Of A Working Mum. What an awesome collection of comedy gold.

In short, something awesome happens each and every day in YHTL land. If it were a real land it would be full of rainbows, unicorns and bunny rabbits. And there would be free wine and chocolate for all. It would be THAT AWESOME!!

We shall see you again tomorrow…

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