Saturday, February 15, 2025

YHTL Weekly Highlights – 20 to 26 Feb 2017

If, like me, you struggle to remember your own name, let alone what happened last week, then this is the post for you! It’s basically a rehash of everything we have done over the past 7 days recrafted for your viewing pleasure. For you it means a quick and dirty smorgasbord of joy. For me it means pressing the link button on WordPress lots of times and writing some witty filling material. Like this. Shit isn’t it?

Oh well, let’s get on with it. Try it – you might just enjoy it…


What a way to start the week! A joyful insight into the mind of the lovely Katie from The Squirmy Popple! We all know that Katie is funny. But did you know how much she loves cheese? This and other fascinating facts are contained within the following. As Nike would say, Just Do It.


Our first of four featured posts appeared today and it was a dramatic expose into the life and loves of the very controller of fatness himself, Sir Topham Hatt. You are literally just one click away from greatness, courtesy of Min from Single Mum Speaks.

We also knocked out another golden comedy nugget to celebrate #cheesyTuesday. Here is that nugget. And yep, it (ha)s (a) pretty pony.


Featured post numero dos (that’s number 2 to you and me) was from our regular mirth-maker Celine from Bell From Bow. It focused on the sweariness that comes with raising small people. Celine loves all the swears – find out why by clicking here.


As usual it was no-featured-post-Thursday so instead we played around on social media. Even more so than on every other day of the week. It’s pretty much an addiction. We need help. Please. Our #YHTLchat question of the week was this one:

We had a few amusing answers and they are displayed here in no particular order:


Back on the train to featured post town we stopped at Winnettes station with a post that Katie wrote especially for us. We love Katie. She’s awesome. The post was all about soft play and how it is, um, ‘exactly like giving birth’. Interesting comparison I’m sure you’ll agree – and well worth a read!


The weeeeeekkkeeeeennnnnnddddd arrived in style with our final post of the week, coming from a new contributor – applytofaceblog. It was our first, and probably last, post that contained both an apple pie recipe and a car-based birth! Most importantly it was bloody funny!

Whilst everyone was reading about apple pie and having a good laugh, a few of us went up to London Town for a very limited number of drinks and a catch up! We’ll be doing these every few months, so it would be super lovely to see a few of you at our next meet-up!

Sunday & Beyond

Let’s skip over this post because if you’ve read this far you probably already know that today saw our YHTL Weekly Highlight post appear as if by magic from the tippy tapping fingers of my good self. But what of next week? What are those things we see coming over the horizon?

First up it’s another scintillating installment of So You Think You’re Funny? containing one of our favourite people – Sam from Mouse Moo & Me Too. Hot on its heels are featured posts from A Life Just Ordinary, Thorny Lullaby, Media Mummy and A Blog About Raising My Autistic Son. What a great collection of funny, funny parenting tales I’m sue you’ll agree. But don’t take my word for it – come by the site and have a good read! You’re going to love it – and that’s official.*

*not really official. But they are good. I promise.

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