Monday, February 10, 2025

YHTL Weekly Highlights – 16 to 22 Jan 2017

Let’s get ready to rumble!!

Failing that, let’s get ready to have a longing gaze back over the past 7 days to see what hilarity was taking place in the land they call YHTL. You may, for example, have had connection issues during the past week. Or been away on holiday. Or been trapped in a cage with a man-eating knife-wielding monkey. Whatever reason you may have had for missing some of the awesome content this week you are forgiven. Even better than that we have compiled this collection of highlights for you. You can thank us later…

It’s All Gone To The Blogs

This week, as always, we had 4 featured posts – and as always they were very funny! We started the week with a tale of bath time woes from This Is Me Now – woes of the brown and smelly variety no less. No one wants to experience those woes first hand, but it’s not so bad to read about them instead.

Next up was a lovely article about Wellington boots from Turning Up In Devon. You can learn a lot about a person from the boots they wear we discovered. Personally I don’t wear Wellingtons – I just stupidly turn up in leaky trainers to outdoor events and regret it instantly. We can all learn something from this post, clearly!

Friday brought us the realisation that since having children we tend to find pretty low-key things exciting, as explained by Mummy Est. 2014. Like getting to the bottom of a laundry basket, or managing to locate all pieces of a puzzle or game. It’s very important to celebrate these achievements…

Finally we moved into the weekend with a beautifully illustrated tale of musical beds – a game where there are no winners! As Little Hearts, Big Love is all too aware, however big your bed is, it’s never big enough to fit a pair of wriggly stretchy small people alongside you!


This Thursday from 7.30pm we challenged you to fill in the blanks. We felt a bit like Les Dawson in the 70s version of Blankety Blank, but without the casual sexism and lewd comments. We had loads of good answers this week and we’ve picked out a few of the best ones…

Hats off though to Parenting & Designing who went to town on the topic – here are two from the collection!!

So You Think You’re Funny

This week saw another gripping installment of our weekly interview series. It must surely only be a matter of time before this series is televised and syndicated globally…

Anyway, in the interim we had Davina from MotherhoodIRL in the hot seat this week and we learnt lots of things – have a gander!


We can’t have a roundup without including some dad jokes! We had a couple of corkers this week, including a special one for our #cheesytuesday feature – effectively it’s a low rate cheese-based joke every Tuesday from now until the end of time. Something to look forward to eh?

Next Week

Monday – So You Think You’re Funny – Paul from Cheeky Dad Blog

Tuesday – A new featured post from Mom Of Two Little Girls + #cheesytuesday

Wednesday – A new featured post from Thorny Lullaby

Thursday – #YHTLchat at 7.30pm UK

Friday – A new featured post from Beta Mummy

Saturday – A new featured post from A Blog About Raising My Autistic Son

Sunday – YHTL Weekly Highlights – this old pony again but with different links

I could drift on for another few pages, as is the sheer volume of awesomeness that exudes from this website and associated social media accounts on a weekly basis. But for now that’ll do for this week! If you’ve made it this far congratulations. I stopped reading a few paragraphs ago…

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