Monday, February 10, 2025
InterviewsYHTL Blog

So You Think You’re Funny? Season 2, Episode 15 – @BemusedMama

The problem with weekly series is that there is always a 6 day gap in between where you simply don’t get to experience the joy. The love. The happiness. It’s totes emosh and no mistake. Fortunately the 7 days are up so it’s time to delve back into the world of comedy interviews, this time with another non-blogger!

Just when you thought that every parent in the world had a blog these days, we’ve now managed to find two that don’t – fortunately they have both had a lovely Twitter account where joyful murmerings can be delivered in under 140 characters. This time it’s the very funny @bemusedmama that has joined us all the way from across the pond in Canada. And we’re very glad that she did!

So sit back, relax, and enjoy the words and wisdom of @bemusedmama!

1. Tell us about yourself in 20 words or less:

Word nerd. Mother of 2. Refuse to move to the suburbs. Often bemused.

2. How would your child(ren) describe you?

The 15-month-old would describe me in a very literal sense: “Mamma! Maammmma!”
The two-year-old gets a little more abstract: “Mamma, you have train tracks on your face!” (a delightful reference to the wrinkles on my forehead which are actually not even that bad, if you really want to know)

3. When and why did you last properly laugh out loud?

The other day, when my two-year-old walked by as I was changing his baby sister, and casually remarked that she has a “bum at the front”. I guess it’s time to introduce the proper terms!

4. Do you try to be funny when you are writing? Tell us a bit about your blogging ‘process’.

I don’t blog but if I did it might be a little bit funny. Maybe I will.

5. What is the funniest thing you’ve read in the past few months?

My credit card statement.

6. What are the best and worst things about becoming a parent?

Best: Hugs. Kisses. Endless laughs. Watching them learn and grow. Built-in excuse for getting out of stuff I don’t want to do. Guaranteed caretaker for when we reach old age.
Worst: Loss of identity, freedom, spontaneity and ability to form complete sentences.

7. Do your friends/family find you funny in ‘real life’?

I sometimes have to remind them.

8. Go on, say something funny!

Two peanuts were walking in a dark alley at night. One was assaulted…

9. How did you get into writing and why?

I didn’t. I recently started tweeting on my secret Twitter account (@bemusedmama) as an outlet for my parental frustrations. Haven’t found the time for much more than that at the moment!

10. If you could only have one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would you choose?

This is such an unfair question. Ok, fine… piles of perfectly grilled vegetables, olive oil, sea salt, cheese, excellent bread and wine.

11. Complete the sentence; ‘Since having a child…’

…can be so draining, I am often driven to drink.”

12. In your opinion, what is the worst children’s TV show, and why?

Happy to report I haven’t seen any yet. So in fearful anticipation, I will say “all of them”.

13. Please tell us about your blog and why we should visit:

I don’t have a blog, so you shouldn’t.

But she does have a Twitter account, so just click on the image below if you would like to visit it for humorous parenting stuff in 140 characters or less!

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