Wednesday, October 23, 2024

The #100crappydays Challenge

You can’t help but have been ‘inspired’ by the recent 100 Happy Days challenge that is doing the rounds on social media. As parents we all know that most days are full of generally happy moments – after all, bringing up little people is pretty awesome.

However, on days ending with a ‘y’ very, very rare occasions, being a parent can have its teeny tiny crappy moments. Perhaps your toddler is having one of their hourly incredibly rare tantrums over something monumental – like being denied chocolate, or having to go to bed, or being asked not to lick the windows? Maybe your little angel has found the hidden supply of crayons and has ‘decorated’ the furniture whilst you have popped off for a wee? Perhaps they’ve even managed to break into the nappy cupboard during the night and have distributed the contents across their bedroom floor? Very unlikely I know.

Whilst it’s important to embrace and share the happy moments in life, it’s also important to recognise and share the crappy moments – with strangers – on the internet. That’s why we have created the 100 Crappy Days challenge so you can share your photos of the moments in your day that haven’t gone quite to plan! It might help you see the funny side in things that seem awful at the time. It might give you a chance to get them off your chest. Failing that it might just give a few people on the internet a bit of a laugh at your expense!

Today, Monday 9th January 2017, is the first day of the 100 Crappy Days challenge and it will run for 100 days. Unless we get bored after 23, in which case it will run for 23 days. To take part just share your disastrous / humorous / awkward parenting photos using #100crappydays on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. If you tag us into your posts we will share the funniest ones across our social media channels and include a few in our weekly round-up on the website!

So please share your funniest and crappiest parenting photos so we can all take some joy and comfort in our collective parenting fails!


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