Wednesday, October 23, 2024

The (Not Big or Fat) Quiz Of The Year 2016!

So I was pretty much assuming that my last post was going to be my last one of the year – but then today Jenni at Chilling With Lucas kindly nominated me to complete the Quiz Of The Year! So here goes! Given it’s only 4 hours until 2017 this is definitely the last one!


What was the highlight of 2016?

Probably Christmas Day! The little one loved it this year and everyone that came had a great stress-free time! Just a really great day all round!

Name one thing you are most likely to remember about 2016 if asked in five years time?

Most probably the Olympics! In 5 years I will probably not remember that Brexit or Trump or the migrant crisis or all the celebrity deaths or the terror attacks actually happened in 2016. I’ll remember them all, of course, but I doubt I will remember they all happened in 2016. The Olympics though I will know was 2016 because it happens every 4 years!

Sum up 2016 in one word.

Newsworthy! So much has happened this year it’s ridiculous. Absolutely a lot of it has been bad but there’s hardly been a day when something major hasn’t happened and that hasn’t manifested itself in a public outpouring of grief or joy on social media.

Name one pearl of wisdom from 2016 that you will carry with you through 2017.

Spend most time on the people that bother to spend the time on you in return. I think people waste a lot of time and energy on people that aren’t worth the effort!

Do you have any new year resolutions?

Eat more healthily and do more exercise! And spend as much quality time with the little one as possible.

How are you seeing in the new year?

At home with Joshua and Sarah both asleep due to shiftwork! Might have a bit of choccie and a couple of glasses of bubbly whilst watching Alan Carr on TV!

What would you most like to do in 2017?

Go on a memorable holiday with the little one somewhere sunny with a beach and pool!

What are your main goals for 2017?

Do more writing and hopefully get a small income out of it. And get our house extension done and lots of decorating!


And that’s that for another year! Enjoy your evenings and have an awesome 2017! Thanks for stopping by!

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