Monday, February 10, 2025

‘Tis The Season To Be Crafty

Cleverly titled so as to appear to be a classy follow on to my last post, in fact this post is completely different and bears no relevance whatsoever. However, I was quite fond of the the last title so why not rehash it a few times before Christmas?!

Anyway, what is this post about?


Today we had a festive stay and play at Joshua’s nursery, which I went along to. I was actually the first parent to arrive, so muchos brownie points there methinks. I also brought along the requested gift and food (courtesy of Sarah’s shopping efforts this morning!) and donned a nice red jumper to make an understated reference to Christmas.

Unfortunately the food that we were asked to bring along was now classed as contraband in case someone had an allergy to anything that may have been contained within, so we now have about 30 Colin The Caterpillar cakes to munch through over the next week at home! No great hardship…

The event itself was actually quite enjoyable. Once Joshua got over the initial shock of the fact that I was coming to play with him rather than take him home, he painted a couple of baubles, decorated a stocking, decorated  smothered some rich tea biscuits in various gooey substances and made a bag of reindeer food for the big day. He even won a bucket of sweets in the raffle, containing more Es than an Ibizan nightclub.

Unfortunately after 2 mouthful of drowned rich tea biscuits he decided they were ‘yucky’ so I’ve now got to eat all of them as well.

Whilst it was pretty fun being there with pre-schoolers running around the gaff like monkeys on speed for a couple of hours, it emphasised the fact that I really, REALLY, couldn’t be a teacher at a nursery! Imagine it – 10 hours every day trying to look after a room full of miniature tyrants, all of them wanting everything their own way! Fair play to anyone that does it!

We’ve still got a visit from Father Christmas and some kind of nativity play to attend over the next couple of weeks at nursery, but the main thing I got from today was how ridiculously quickly he is growing up and how much more he can do now than he could a few months ago. Things that require some concentration and an attention span and the ability to sit down for a few minutes in a row he can now do!

He also managed to wait his turn and smile nicely for his nursery photos a few weeks ago – and they all turned out really well! Look how cute he looks and how he is managing to smile with his ‘normal face’!


What a difference a few months make…

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