Monday, February 10, 2025

An Ode to Father’s Day

As Father’s Day approaches,

On June 18th this year,

Dads are looking forward,

To relaxing with a beer.


This day’s a celebration,

To honour everything paternal,

A lovely home cooked meal,

Made by hands maternal.


A break from changing nappies,

Full of poo and piddle.

Replaced by gifts of socks and ties,

Or power tools from Lidl.


Some Daddies may get lucky,

That some action comes their way.

They have their fingers crossed,

That with Mammy they might play.


Of course this all depends,

On whether baby goes to bed.

But if the baby wakes up crying,

Looking to be fed….


That would put a spanner in the works,

Then there’s nothing you can do.

No hanky panky on the cards,

No baby number two!


Happy Father’s Day to all you Dads,

Enjoy the day that’s in it.

May you get some peace and quiet,

If it’s only for a minute!


This excellent poem was first published here! For more from Clara & Carl click on the image below or any of their recent posts!

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