Monday, February 10, 2025
ReviewsYHTL Blog

How To Make Money From Your Sofa – A Guide For Parents!

You may have spotted that parenting can be a touch on the expensive side. There’s food and nappies and mountains and mountains of plastic shite that must be invested in. There’s also the remortgage-inducing baby swimming classes to fund and the distinct possibility that you’ll have to either drop a few hours at work (or leave!) or shell out approximately a bajillion dollars in childcare. Or both.

You will also likely develop an unhealthy relationship with sleep, whereby you don’t ever have enough of it and thus are always in a state of partial somnambulism. This generally involves being pinned to the sofa by some kind of invisible force, like a particularly playful elephant has taken up residence on your chest. Less heavy, of course, but it’s only a light-hearted simile, so throw me a bone and go with me on it.

So we have the skintness. We have the permanent tiredness. We also, as tech-savvy parents, have a fondness for fondling our devices almost 24/7 and glaring at our laptops like a love-sick teenager gazing into the eyes of their latest crush. If only, you may ask, there was a way that we could combine our love of screen time, with our inability to leave the sofa for long periods of the day and with our desire to be less skint. If only there was a pretty banner for something that could offer everything that we want…

… Oh. Here’s one.

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Admittedly I also thought it was twaddle when I saw matched betting being advertised on other blogs because it seemed all too easy when people said they were making hundreds of pounds each month with virtually no risk. Well I’ve now been doing it for 6 weeks and have already made the ridiculous sum of £1,100.


In 6 weeks.

How very silly.

Now this is very strange for me, as I’ve never actually placed a bet in my entire life until 6 weeks ago. The closest I got was when my mum would put 50p each way on the Grand National for me when I was a wee one for whichever horse had the best name. And now, despite having been at this for 6 weeks I’ve still never set foot in a betting shop. I’ve literally done it all whilst sitting on my arse.

So what is matched betting?

Well it’s pretty simple really – you sign up to different bookies online and each one will have some kind of introductory offer, such as ‘deposit £10 and we’ll give you £20 in free bets’. You then bet on something at that bookies and bet against the same event at another bookies. So whoever wins it doesn’t really matter because you’ll get the equivalent of almost all of the free bet one way or the other. Cool eh?!

You can also do loads of other fun stuff by taking advantage of the myriad of different offers that bookies obsessively pump into your inbox to make some more free cash. Things like odds boosts, and extra places for each way bets, and free bets and accumulators and all that jazz!

I’m sure it means nothing to you and to be fair it meant nothing to me 6 weeks ago until I read all the guides on the OddsMonkey website! There’s also casino offers and bingo offers and all kinds of stuff you can get involved with if that floats your boat. I stick to football and horses as they’re quick and easy and is something I can do for 30 minutes in the evenings.

Long Term Profits

Admittedly it’s easier when you’re doing the introductory offers as you can make money quicker, but a lot of people are still regularly making £500+ every month. I’m aiming for about £200+ a month as I don’t want it taking over my life like bloody blogging but £1000+ of free money in 6 weeks and then £200+ every month after that for the odd 30 minutes here and there is still pretty bloody good methinks.

I use OddsMonkey as they offer all of the basics to get you going, including loads of guides, step-by-step instructions on how to complete each offer, forums so you can chat to other matched betting folks and a really good oddsmatcher which effectively tells you what the best things are to bet on at which bookies to get the best returns on your money. You can sign up for free and read some of the guides and complete two of the easiest offers so you can see if you like the idea of it. These 2 offers make you about £30 from what I remember and are pretty straightforward so it’s worth signing up and giving it a go even just for that.

If you want to complete more offers from other bookies and use their oddsmatcher and all the other cool features you can then choose to pay £15 per month for the privilege, which isn’t bad considering the returns!

Where’s The Catch?!

Every silver lining has a cloud! But in the case of matched betting there aren’t many drawbacks.

As long as you follow the guides to the letter and don’t panic and press random buttons like a toddler with a remote control you should be golden. Also, you should be aware that you will need to put some of your own money up front to sign up for each site. It’s not at risk, but you will need some up front, so if you really don’t have a pot to piss in then you might struggle with this one.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, if you have had problems with gambling in the past or if you are easily tempted with the excitement of ‘proper’ betting you will also want to steer clear. Matched betting itself is risk-free but you will spend a decent amount of time on bookies’ website where they will be trying to tempt you to bet on stuff that might lose! If you can resist the temptation to bet on whatever is flashing in front of you, you will probably make lots of money from matched betting. If you can’t resist the temptation you will probably lose lots of money.

Final bit of advice is to keep good track of what bets you have placed where as it can be easy to forget what you’ve done where. There are spreadsheets on the OddsMonkey website that helps you do this.

How To Get Started

If you still fancy giving it a go and seeing how much risk-free money you can make whilst sitting on the sofa / lying in bed / sitting on the toilet click on the pretty banner below and it’ll tell you all about it and how you too can make a decent whack of extra cash.

Also, if you sign up through one of the pretty banners in this post, every time you pay OddsMonkey some money they will give us some money. This will hopefully help us to keep the angry-looking bailiff man at bay when he next pops round to ‘encourage’ us to pay our website hosting fees. He might even return my sofa…

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Happy risk-free betting! We’d love to hear how you get on!



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