Tuesday, January 21, 2025

My Favourite Four-Letter Word: bakerdays Letterbox Cake Review

As a parent the odd four-letter word does occasionally spill from my lips like the last drops of wine from a particularly drinkable bottle of something sparkling. However, almost exclusively these four-letter words are said repeatedly and in whisper format so as not to poison my little one’s puzzle-obsessed mind.

One word that I feel a lot more relaxed about using is my favourite four-letter word of all – ‘cake’. Life without cake would be a chore. Parenthood without cake would be insanity.

Cakes come in all shapes and sizes of course, but the one we’re focusing on today is of the petite variety, coming in at a mere 5 inches. Whilst some people may say that 5 inches is too small to be fully satisfying, in the case of the 5 inch Letterbox cake from bakerdays it actually does the job very effectively!

Given our mild obsession with branding everything that moves with two small cartoon babies and lashings of the lovely colour #7ea1ad it seemed only right that the cake we were sent to review looked like this:

Nice isn’t it!? The concept of the bakerdays Letterbox cake is that it literally fits through your letterbox, making it ideal as a surprise gift to send to a friend or loved one. You don’t have to worry about the hassle of getting it to them in person or that they won’t be in when it gets delivered, because it’ll be laying on their doormat waiting for them when they return home!

The 5 inch Letterbox cakes comes in a variety of different designs – for Valentine’s Day alone you can get it in 93 variations and that’s without factoring in the ability to personalise your cake with words or photos of your choosing. You can also choose between a variety of cake types, including red velvet, chocolate, sponge, dairy free and gluten free, so there really is something for even the most fussy of cake eaters!

The one we were sent was of the chocolate persuasion, including a nice bit of buttercream. Here it is in all its gooey chocolatey glory:

bakerdays cake

This cake is actually pretty lush and can easily be cut into 4 decent slices. Given the chocolateyness it’s actually pretty filling too, so one slice was enough for me (although I had eaten a pizza beforehand to be fair!)

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