Friday, February 14, 2025

Winter wonderful

Of all the seasons the summer is my favourite.

I like the long days, light evenings spent in the garden enjoying a glass of wine (or…two) with friends after a barbecue but as the nights draw in my mind drifts towards winter and all that it brings. The promise of Christmas, the possibility of snow and warm snuggly jumpers – all things that I love about the winter.

Since my eldest was born, 6 years ago, we’ve only had one decent snowfall.

He was about 18 months old and had just started walking. I can picture him now, full of wide-eyed wonder, snow over the top of his little wellies. Matching hat and mittens – so cute! I do have some lovely pictures of that day and I must get copies printed – we just don’t do that so much these days and you forget that companies like Truprint are still around. Gone are the days of taking your film into the chemist or posting it in one of the special envelopes.

Christmas is my absolutely positively favourite day of the year, well actually Christmas Eve is. I like the build up. The decorations, the atmosphere, visiting Father Christmas’ grotto, the parties the drinking the buying presents (not wrapping them though – that bit gets on my tits). I love Christmas but even more so since having children. It really is so magical, unless your son is allocated the part of camel number 3 in the nativity, that kind of takes the shine off things, but still you go to watch and take a handkerchief to snivel into.

On Christmas Eve I can’t wait to put the kids to bed so Father Christmas can visit.

Before bedtime we leave out the obligatory (personalised) plate with mince pie and a glass of something for the big FC and a carrot for the reindeer. Of course the drink has to be drunk and the mince pie eaten, we usually leave a bit of carrot (with bite marks for authenticity).

Father Christmas also leaves a sprinkling of magic dust (aka talcum powder and we must remember to hide the bottle this year or else I’m not sure we’ll get away with it again) footprints from the door to the stockings.

Their little faces on Christmas morning make it all worthwhile. Even the five sacks of wrapping paper that goes into the recycling (sorry, trees) and the dreaded Christmas dinner that takes hours to cook and minutes to eat. And nobody every eats the brussel sprouts.

I love Christmas.

What’s your favourite time of year?


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