Monday, February 10, 2025

The importance of tyres

The importance of tyres is something that is often underrated

I had a car accident on the motorway last year which made me realise how important car safety is. Obviously sometimes these things can’t be avoided, that’s what insurance is for, but it made me realise how important it is to ensure my car is as safe as possible.

On top of the legally required MOT I have my car serviced twice a year. A full service before the MOT and a small winter service towards the end of the year. I feel it is important that my vehicle is at it’s safest at all times, especially the tyres.

Tyres make all the difference to road safety

There are more cars on our roads than ever before.

London is particularly congested, even with the implementation of the congestion charge you just have to travel around the busy roads in London, New Kings Road, Shirley Road or Henleys Roundabout to name but three to see what I mean.

Why not check, buy & book your tyres in London online from DAT tyres to be on the safe side?

You have to remember that tyres are the only part of your vehicle that has direct contact with the road. This makes them very important. Your cars tyres affect the handling of your vehicle, braking distance and therefore, safety. It is essential that you have your tyres at the correct air pressure too. Having too much is just as much of a problem as having too little.

Your tyres could make all the difference in your stopping distance, between potentially hitting the car in front and not.

Not only do you wish your family, friends and other road users to be safe, you also don’t want to be paying out excesses and extra insurance premiums that could have been avoided if only you had safer tyres.

Having decent, correctly inflated tyres also impacts on fuel consumption, so it makes sense to ensure they are correct. Saving you money and producing less impact on the planet.


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