Accidents Happen: Adventure Fearlessly With Safe + Sound Health
Collaborative post with Safe + Sound Health as part of their adventure fearlessly campaign
Joshua has had his fair share of cuts and scrapes over the years. I wouldn’t necessarily say that he is clumsy, but he has certainly been unlucky, culminating in an impressive 8 trips to A&E so far in just six years!
Admittedly a few of those were croup, but the vast majority were where he had been charging around the house, seemingly head first, resulting in more glue and steri-strips than anyone would hope to need by the age of 6. Here’s the evidence…

You may assume that after each incident he may have learned to take things a bit steadier – but no. Hence why Joshua is the pretty perfect candidate to test out the new range of wound care for kids from Safe + Sound Health as part of their adventure fearlessly campaign, including some awesome kids’ plasters!

Adventure Fearlessly In The Great Outdoors
Fortunately most of Joshua’s more recent trips, slips and falls have come in the great outdoors, where there are far fewer coffee tables and kitchen cabinets to collide with!
With the lovely weather recently we’ve been going out on a lot of walks through the local copse or in some nearby country parks. Wide open spaces are perfect to let off a bit of steam and for Joshua to have some fun adventures with his friends. A lot of which seem to involve clambering over trees!
But even without the corner-filled, man made objects around the house to ‘interact’ with, every child, including our own, is bound to find themselves scraping their leg on a tree, tripping over on a gravel path or inexplicably / accidentally jumping into pools of stagnant water…
When these little dramas happen it’s important not to let them ruin the whole day out. As long as there are no broken bones and nothing that requires stitching back together, there’s not much that a hug, a plaster, a change of clothes and a positive attitude can’t fix!
Safe + Sound Health Wound Care for Kids Range
So when the inevitable minor accidents do happen it has been nice to know that we have been prepared to adventure fearlessly with our Safe + Sound Health wound care for kids range including kids’ plasters, antiseptic spray, antibiotic hand foam and hand sanitiser.
The Safe + Sound kids’ plasters come in 8 different designs, with each pack containing 4 of each of 4 designs, depending on your child’s preference. They contain a hypoallergenic adhesive, are washproof and are designed to move and stretch with the skin, so are perfect for little adventurers like Joshua. The designs are printed on a clear background, so when you have them on your arm they look a bit like a temporary tattoo – the perfect mix of protection and fashion!
The antiseptic spray is ideal for preventing infection and can be used to treat cuts, grazes, insect bites and relieve minors burns or scalds. And the hand sanitising products are of course vital for ensuring you don’t spread any germs from your own hands when treating your little one’s injuries.
Accidents Happen
Fortunately Joshua has avoided the joys of A&E for nearly a year now, but that doesn’t mean to say he hasn’t picked up a few scrapes and bruises along the way. Even in the back garden it’s a challenge not to come away with a scraped knee after a few hours racing about. Nothing that some dinosaur-themed kids’ plasters won’t fix!
Although the Safe + Sound range is aimed at children, there is of course nothing stopping adults from using them too. Perhaps you have an accident-prone spouse that manages to cut her foot and likes mermaids?

Or perhaps you have decided to adventure fearlessly yourself and been cutting nasty, spiky Hawthorn trees down in your back garden with a chainsaw and they have managed to slash your arms and legs in various places?

As the extremely famous saying goes, families that get plastered together, stay together. Or something…
You can check out the full range of wound care for kids products on the Safe + Sound Health website.
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