How To Make Money From Home
Collaborative post
You might be a stay-at-home parent who is looking to make some extra money for your
kid’s piggy bank or your family dream holiday (or both!). There are many ways of making
money from the comfort of your home, and today I’m going to share with you a few! So, if
you have some downtime, let’s turn it into money-making time!
Start your own business

Have you always dreamt of starting your own business but it was never the right time?
Maybe you are passionate about a certain skill or hobby – sell it! Ad Lab, Magento website
design agency, recommends creating a modern and sleek website for your new business.
They believe that having a simple and clean website that is user-friendly will not only
attract more customers but will also generate more sales! For some website design
inspiration, browse Ad Lab’s award winning websites at awwwards.
Create a blog and monetise it

Have you ever looked at influencers making money from blogging about their passions?
Now it’s your chance! As this article in the Telegraph mentions, “anyone with even the
most basic tech skills can set up a blog or upload videos to YouTube. You can make
money from your blogging (or vlogging) either via affiliate links, where you promote
another company’s products, or by building up a large following.”
Plus, there are so many other good things that come with starting a blog. As Blog Bay Bee
says, by having a blog, you have the opportunity to meet people with the same interests
and write about the things you love whilst making money! It’s a win, win!
Declutter and sell

We usually do our annual “Spring cleaning” during summer so, now is the time to start
going through our home, getting rid of things we don’t use anymore and making some
money by selling unwanted items. Really Missing Sleep also recommends selling
unwanted goods instead of throwing things away – “kitchen equipment that you haven’t
used in years, clothes that don’t suit your style anymore, kid’s toys that they grew out of.” If
it’s in good condition, why not make some money from it?
Promote your skills

Are you good at writing engaging content? Maybe it’s time to sell your copywriting skills.
Perhaps you have an eye for design? Why not start creating design work for others? You
have skills that others might need, so start promoting these! As Dear Bear and Beany
mentions, “If you are great at organising schedules, maybe you’d be a great virtual
assistant to a small company? If you have expertise in a certain area, why not give some
tutoring? See what you can offer others and start promoting your skills.”
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