Thursday, November 14, 2024

The Easter Beta Bunny

Happy Easter everyone!  May your little darlings be little darlings, may family arguments over the last mini egg be few, may the hot cross buns be plentiful, and may you get the odd quiet moment here and there to enjoy a hot cup of tea (a.m.) and/or a nice big glass of wine (p.m.)*  🙂

* Who am I kidding – if you want to drink wine in your pyjamas at 10am, who am I to judge/stop you?  TIP – put your wine in a tea cup, then your Mother-in-Law will never know 😉

Alpha Mummy wearing bunny ears, with two children, enjoying a lovely easter egg hunt.

Alpha Mummy lives for days like these.  The hand-made costumes, the carefully-planned Easter egg hunt, the visitors, the baking – oh, the baking!  Nothing makes Alpha Mummy happier than gathering her nearest and dearest to her and making an event as special as it could possibly be.  And of course, the children act the part, behaving impeccably and generally being delightful to spend time with.

Beta Mummy standing in the pouring rain, clutching a glass of wine, whilst the Feral Children do their easter egg hunt. One of the children is completely covered in chocolate, whilst the other one is puking into a plant pot.

Beta Mummy hates this kind of thing.  Actually that’s a bit unfair, she doesn’t hate these kinds of special events, but she just finds that she is always left feeling a bit of a failure.  You see, she does try.  The lunch gesture was made, although rapidly regretted.  The Easter egg hunt was planned (sort of) but failed due to her Feral Children being able to sniff out all chocolate within a mile radius, and scoffing the lot (wrappers and all) before she had a chance to hide them.  That was after she had already eaten the first lot that she’d bought, after a particularly bad day at work.

Still, on the plus side, a bank holiday weekend does mean that it’s perfectly acceptable to drink alcohol during the day – especially if it happens to be sunny.  Cheers!

The post was first published here. For more from Beta Mummy click here or check out some of the recent posts below.

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